This exhibition is the result of a competition organized by the Institutional Representation of the CSIC (Spanish National Research Council) in the Balearic Islands. This competition was launched in the context of the International Day of Biological Diversity (22 May) with the aim of publicizing the richness of the diversity of species in the archipelago.

The photographs sent by the participants were valued by research staff of the CSIC centers in the Balearic Islands. From these evaluations, a series of photographs have been selected for this exhibition for their content, novelty, originality and artistic quality.

In addition, some people who work or are related to the CSIC have collaborated with this exhibition and also exhibit some photographs of resident and endemic species of the Balearic Islands.

Then you can enjoy the visual beauty of species that inhabit our archipelago. In each panel, you will find a text written by each author about the species it has captured. Besides, you will see that in some photographs a symbol appears. These symbols belong to the Red List of Threatened Species of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and will indicate the conservation status of each one.

We invite you to start this visual tour of some species of the islands and to reflect on the role that each one plays in our beloved archipelago.
