Author: Daniela Chanto / Planet Tuna

Scientific name: Pelagia noctiluca

Place of photography: Cala del Toro, Calvià

Pelagia: open sea, nocti: night and luca: light. Part of its scientific name (noctiluca) refers to the fact that at night, when excited, it is capable of emitting phosphorescent light (bioluminescence). And the other part of its name (Pelagia), refers to that its life cycle closes completely in the open sea, since it does not present polyp phase, that is, it does not need a substrate to grow and develop and, therefore, it is always found in the water column. 


Although in the photo it looks majestic, the reality is that it was being nibbled by a group of 3 sargos that came and went to continue with the banquet. They bit part of the umbrella and then they went away, they came back and repeated the same action. So, actually, what we can see is a badly wounded jellyfish, struggling to survive.

